Juried Exhibition, Installation shot, GATHERED II: Georgia Artists Selecting Georgia Artists, 2015

Join the Working Artist Project Apprentice Registry

Would you like to be considered for the WAP Studio Apprentice Program’s emerging artist registry? This registry will function as a resource for WAP Fellows to consult when selecting their studio assistants. WAP artists choose their assistants between August and October of each year.

Requirements for WAP Studio Apprentices:

  1. Apprentice applicants must be emerging artists in the Atlanta Metro area and meet one of the following criteria:  A) Be currently enrolled in higher education, B) Recently graduated from higher education, or  C) Have been recently shown either in solo or in group exhibitions
  2. Must continue to reside in the Atlanta metropolitan area for the project grant period
  3. Must be available on a part time basis to apprentice with WAP artist for a period of at least 6 months (specific hours to be determined by WAP artist, no more than 200 hours total) over the course of the WAP grant period.

Additional Opportunities